This course will guide you through the critical steps in ensuring strong controls for the accounts payable (AP) function and provide practical e for minimizing your organization’s exposure to AP fraudsters.
Participants will learn how to identify the different varieties of AP-related fraud schemes damaging organizations of all kinds, including small businesses and non-profits. You will learn to determine how shrewd fraudsters abuse the AP process to embezzle funds for years before being detected and how to shorten the time before discovery. This training will enable you to quickly recognize the red flags of AP fraud in your operations and financial records and will assist in providing cost-effective anti-fraud controls to protect against the growing army of fraudsters both inside and outside your organizations.
Participants will learn how to
- Conduct a quick and cost-effective Fraud Risk Assessment for client AP operations.
- Implement effective AP fraud detection techniques and build audit practices to detect red flags of AP fraud.
- Implement best-practice Anti-Fraud Control strategies for AP.
- Advise management on fraud risk mitigation through transaction monitoring, technology/information technology tools and low-cost internal controls.
- Recommend better anti-fraud management structure (Board of Directors/Executive Management, Line Management, Compliance, General Counsel, etc.)
- Internal and external audit professionals
- Accounting and audit practitioners
- AP managers
- Senior financial management seeking to reduce their vulnerability to costly frauds
- Procurement and payables specialists
- Compliance and ethics managers
- CFO’s/senior financial managers
- Security personnel
Course Fee – R14 999