+27 72 490 8099





Why Should You Attend:

Companies today operate in an environment of global competition, fluctuating oil prices, and volatile market conditions leading to dramatic changes in exchange rates, revenues and projections.

Effective planning, budgeting, forecasting and cost control skills are thus increasingly important as they help organisations maximise revenues, manage costs and projects, and reduce financial risk, while enabling the management to make better decisions and achieve strategic objectives.

This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to build world class standards into the planning, budgeting, performance measurement and reporting system of an organisation. Using real life case studies and examples, participants will practice effective planning and forecasting techniques, learn to develop budgets using a variety of tools, and monitor and manage costs in line with organisational goals.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this APS training course, participants will be able to:


  • Evaluate the budgeting process in their organizations and recommend improvements
  • Understand the principles behind best practice financial management
  • Explain the importance of budgeting within a strategic framework
  • Know when and where to use various budgeting approaches such as zero-based budgeting
  • Forecast future performance by better analyzing revenue and cost drivers
  • Use effective variance reporting to track organizational performance
  • Apply several forecasting techniques to better manage uncertainties in budgeting
  • Acquire costing and budgeting terminology and techniques
  • Prepare operational and capital budgets (use of time value of money-NPV, IRR, etc)

Target Group

This course is suitable for anyone involved in the budgeting and planning process within their organisation such as management accountants, functional heads of departments, financial planners and analysts, accountants, as well as for those from non-finance backgrounds who have responsibility for managing budgets and delivering against the forecasted figures


Course Fee – R11 999