+27 72 490 8099



Personal Income Tax Requirements

Income tax is the normal tax which is paid on your taxable income.

Examples of amounts an individual may receive, and from which taxable income is determined, include the following –

  • Remuneration (income from employment), such as, salaries, wages, bonuses, overtime pay, taxable (fringe) benefits, allowances and certain lump sum benefits
  • Profits or losses from a business or trade
  • Income or profits arising from an individual being a beneficiary of a trust
  • Director’s fees
  • Investment income, such as interest and foreign dividends
  • Rental profit or losses
  • Income from royalties
  • Annuities
  • Pension income
  • Certain capital gains


Expenses allowed by the law for different types of income are the following:


  • Pension fund contributions
  • Retirement annuity fund contributions
  • Provident fund contributions (only from 1 March 2016)
  • Legal costs – under certain qualifying circumstances
  • Wear–and-tear – in respect of certain assets
  • Donations – to approved bodies
  • Repayable amounts – amount received for services rendered as refunded by that person
  • Bad and doubtful debts – employment related.


Important: Salary earners who receive certain allowances (for example a travel or car allowance or a taxable subsistence allowance) can claim against the allowance.

Property owners who earn rental income from a property can claim certain expenses relating to the property.

Individuals involved in a trade (a sole proprietor, partnership or a farmer, etc.) can claim certain expenses relating to the production of that income.