+27 72 490 8099





AT SA (AT South Africa) is a unique partnership between the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). They are a professional body dedicated to the education, development, regulation and support of accounting technicians in South Africa.

ALERTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Pty) Ltd (APS) has been accredited as a training provider of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) to deliver the Accounting Technician qualifications as detailed below:

Training Provider Number: ATA0055/0521



The ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. ACCA aims to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management.

Entry requirements
The ACCA Applied Knowledge is the first level of the ACCA Professional Qualification. To gain entry to this course you must have either a Senior Certificate with passes in English and Maths, a National Senior Certificate with 40% or higher, a Diploma or a Matriculation to University.

How it Works
You can start at any time, study from anywhere and set your own pace. Enhance your study sessions with video lectures by BPP’s top lecturers, while enjoying unlimited access to your local tutor. Video lectures can be downloaded to your mobile phone and viewed offline, as often as you like. You will have access to the online resources for six months or up to the exam date for session-based exams. Study material will also be provided (or eBooks if you have selected that option).
Study at your own pace and in your own space. This means you can speed up your studies if you want to qualify quickly – no waiting for classes to begin. Or you can take it slowly if you wish.

What’s included
• One study Text / Workbook and Practice & Revision Kit
• Study Plan with time indicators
• Online platform
• Short revision videos on the Online Platform, ideal for exam preparation
• Five progress tests and one mock exam
• Unlimited access to a local tutor
• A local course monitor who checks in regularly to offer assistance and keeps you on track


Accounting Qualifications (AQ):

Certificate: Accounting

Course Overview: The purpose of this qualification is to provide the learner with the skills, competence, knowledge and understanding to become an accounting technician. A

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Certificate: Accounting Public Sector

Course Overview: The Public Sector Accounting Qualifications are customised qualifications, offering accounting officials formal qualifications that ensure immediate demonstration of the acquired skills through their

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Accounting Qualifications – Public Sector (PS):

Accounting Qualifications – Local Government (LG):